As a city centre hotel. we are proud to offer our guests complimentary parking in Waterford City.
Our car park is free to all our guests throughout their stay. There is also an alternative car park located directly across the street from the hotel. Guests are welcome to choose the option that best suits their needs.
Option A: Pay and Display Public Car Park
This car park is located directly across the street from the hotel and is owned by Waterford County Council. The current rate is €4.75 for 12 hours mid-week and €6.33 for 12 hours weekend , operated on a Pay and Display basis. The hotel cannot accept any responsibility for this car park and prices or operation basis can change without warning. This is beyond the hotels’ control. To guarantee your space, pre-book here
Option B: Free Hotel Carpark
Our car park which is located in the Glen, approx 200m from our front door, is a minutes’ drive from the hotel and a 2-minute walk. This is complimentary for all hotel guests for the entirety of their stay. Please take a ticket once you enter the car park and this will be validated on departure from the hotel.Opening Times 06.30 am-11.00 pm